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Аватар grubberc

Natural rubber and latex - a product of the future!

Категория:  Статьи на других языках  | Автор:  grubberc | Опубликовано: 04.12.2009

Natural rubber and rubber compounds based on it have a unique set of characteristics: high cohesion and adhesion strength, high tear resistance, excellent endurance during repeated loads. Due to this natural rubber is indispensable in the production of large and high-quality tires.

Fluted smokedshits (Ribbed Smoked Sheets) - one of the highest quality types of natural rubber. It is obtained directly from the filtered latex is then treated to the rollers to make the sheets relief structure and process of wood smoke. This treatment helps protect the rubber from rotting, and oxidation, and increases the shelf life of up to 5 years.

When making these types of natural rubber are subjected to mechanical granulation and pressed into pellets in 33 kg, which in some cases facilitates further processing.

Natural latex and its use.

The use of natural latex allows using simple technology to obtain seamless, thin-walled articles of complex configuration without the use of toxic solvents and fire. Products made of natural latex are characterized by high strength and comfort in use.

This type of natural latex is special treatment, in which it is partially cured. The product has high strength and elasticity, are inert to solvents and resistant to temperature changes. Can be used for manufacturing products by pressing.

It possesses all the qualities of "natural latex 60% DRC (precured), but subject to additional cleaning, allowing maximum delete of latex nekauchukovye substances (proteins, nitrosamines, etc.) that significantly improves application properties and sanitary-chemical characteristics of the products. It is used for manufacturing products with hypoallergenic properties (baby pacifiers, etc.).

On materials copyright Global Rubber Company.
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